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Fertilizer Injector Pump for Irrigation

The Key to Higher Yields
Fertilizer Injector Pump. The Key to Higher Yields

The advent of the fertigation technology resulted in a tremendous boost in modern agricultural production. Fertilizers can be applied with the irrigation water using the appropriate fertigation equipment, and the fertilizer will follow the water wherever it goes.

Fertilizer is only applied where and when it is needed, in the optimum amount and quantity, using fertigation.

Amiad’s fertilizer injector pump line includes a wide range of fertilizer pumps to suit fertigation requirements in field and vegetable crops, orchards, horticulture and greenhouses, as well as landscaping, gardening and golf courses.

Online Products Catalogue
Click on the catalogue image to access information about the Fertilizer Injector Pump, including technical data and drawings
Product Benefits
Cost effective
Cost effective
Eliminates waste of expensive chemicals, labor and machinery
Reliable and durable
Reliable and durable
Designed for long-term and simple operation
Accurate and efficient
Accurate and efficient
Precise results for better crops
High corrosion and chemical resistance
Minimal maintenance
Minimal maintenance
Saves time and labor costs
Sturdy construction
Sturdy construction
Excellent mechanical strength and durability
Technical Materials & Support
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