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Filtration solutions for Water Recycling

Revolutionizing Agriculture: Using Advanced Water Recycling, Reclaiming, and Reuse for Sustainable Farming

As global water scarcity and the need for sustainable farming practices continue to escalate, advanced water filtration solutions are now essential for farms worldwide. With the demand for agricultural products rising to feed a growing population, water recycling, reclaiming, and reuse, supported by cutting-edge filtration technologies, have become vital strategies. These approaches not only meet the increasing demand but also help alleviate pressure on already limited freshwater sources.

Implementing efficient water treatment systems allows farms to significantly reduce their reliance on conventional water sources. The benefits are numerous: improved farm management through consistent access to clean, treated water; increased crop yields and livestock health; and a significant decrease in water-related costs. Additionally, these treatment solutions actively contribute to sustainable agriculture by conserving water and reducing pollution. By embracing these technologies, farms play a crucial role in upholding environmental standards in the industry.



Nozzle Protection

Nozzle Protection

Spray nozzles play a crucial role in manufacturing processes, particularly for cooling or washing products. However, these nozzles tend to deteriorate over time, leading to a decline in production efficiency and quality. This not only incurs high maintenance costs but also impacts revenue. To combat these issues, the most effective method is to safeguard the nozzles by installing filtration systems. These filters help to reduce the number of particles that can cause damage or obstruction in the water supply, prolonging the lifespan of the nozzles. By ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations, our efficient filtration solutions optimize manufacturing processes.
nozzles protection Nozzle Protection
Spray nozzles play a crucial role in manufacturing processes, particularly for cooling or washing products. However, these nozzles tend to deteriorate over time, leading to a decline in production efficiency and quality. This not only incurs high maintenance costs but also impacts revenue. To combat these issues, the most effective method is to safeguard the nozzles by installing filtration systems. These filters help to reduce the number of particles that can cause damage or obstruction in the water supply, prolonging the lifespan of the nozzles. By ensuring smooth and uninterrupted operations, our efficient filtration solutions optimize manufacturing processes.
Storm Water

Storm Water

Stormwater, also known as polluted runoff, has multiple applications. However, it needs to undergo treatment due to its tendency to collect oil and other contaminants as it flows over the ground. This treatment is crucial in order to safely store, discharge, or reuse the stormwater for municipal and industrial purposes. Our efficient filters offer a diverse range of filtration options, while our innovative technologies solve the complexities associated with treating and utilizing stormwater.
גשם מטפטף Storm Water
Stormwater, also known as polluted runoff, has multiple applications. However, it needs to undergo treatment due to its tendency to collect oil and other contaminants as it flows over the ground. This treatment is crucial in order to safely store, discharge, or reuse the stormwater for municipal and industrial purposes. Our efficient filters offer a diverse range of filtration options, while our innovative technologies solve the complexities associated with treating and utilizing stormwater.
Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for industrial facilities. By utilizing rainwater for various purposes such as flushing plumbing fixtures, irrigating parks and fields, and washing vehicles, operators can significantly reduce their water consumption costs and minimize their environmental impact. To ensure the quality of harvested rainwater, treatment is necessary. This typically involves coarse filtration downstream the central storing unit and may include fine filtration as well. Our advanced and efficient filtration technologies offer a range of filtration degrees and require minimal maintenance, ultimately saving resources.
rain is dripping from the roof Rainwater Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for industrial facilities. By utilizing rainwater for various purposes such as flushing plumbing fixtures, irrigating parks and fields, and washing vehicles, operators can significantly reduce their water consumption costs and minimize their environmental impact. To ensure the quality of harvested rainwater, treatment is necessary. This typically involves coarse filtration downstream the central storing unit and may include fine filtration as well. Our advanced and efficient filtration technologies offer a range of filtration degrees and require minimal maintenance, ultimately saving resources.
Service Water

Service Water

Service water is a crucial component in industrial and water treatment plants. Instead of relying on costly drinking water, utilizing reused filtered wastewater can be a cost-effective alternative. Our comprehensive filtration solutions effectively reduce TSS and turbidity levels, resulting in stable and efficient processes.
service water Service Water
Service water is a crucial component in industrial and water treatment plants. Instead of relying on costly drinking water, utilizing reused filtered wastewater can be a cost-effective alternative. Our comprehensive filtration solutions effectively reduce TSS and turbidity levels, resulting in stable and efficient processes.
Tertiary Treatment

Tertiary Treatment

Tertiary treatment is a crucial step in the wastewater cleaning process. To ensure the safe reuse, recycling, or discharge of wastewater, there are strict international regulations and policies in place. Our comprehensive range of filtration technologies offers effective solutions for these challenges. In fact, some of our technologies have received approval under the rigorous California Water Recycling Criteria, also known as Title 22.
tertiary treatment Tertiary Treatment
Tertiary treatment is a crucial step in the wastewater cleaning process. To ensure the safe reuse, recycling, or discharge of wastewater, there are strict international regulations and policies in place. Our comprehensive range of filtration technologies offers effective solutions for these challenges. In fact, some of our technologies have received approval under the rigorous California Water Recycling Criteria, also known as Title 22.
Reclaim Backwash Water

Reclaim Backwash Water

Water treatment plants sometimes use large sand and activated carbon filters. These filters need a lot of water for cleaning (backwash). By collecting and treating this water through filtration, it can be reused or put back into the process. Our filtration technologies effectively treat backwash water and our filter line offers a variety of filtration levels and flow rates that can handle the difficulties of using reclaimed water for industrial applications.
מי שטיפה מהמבננים Reclaim Backwash Water
Water treatment plants sometimes use large sand and activated carbon filters. These filters need a lot of water for cleaning (backwash). By collecting and treating this water through filtration, it can be reused or put back into the process. Our filtration technologies effectively treat backwash water and our filter line offers a variety of filtration levels and flow rates that can handle the difficulties of using reclaimed water for industrial applications.
Trough Water Recycle

Trough Water Recycle

Amiad has partnered with Aslan Technologies to develop modular water treatment systems for recycling overflow water in open water troughs. These systems are suitable for livestock operations of all sizes.
Trough water recycle Trough Water Recycle
Amiad has partnered with Aslan Technologies to develop modular water treatment systems for recycling overflow water in open water troughs. These systems are suitable for livestock operations of all sizes.